Monday, July 25, 2016

Pearls of Wisdom from the oyster called Life

 Out Now!

Greetings beloved friends, I am very happy to announce that my book 'Pearls of Wisdom from the oyster called Life' has finally been realized, after being abandoned for almost 5yrs due to a first failed attempt, when I went through a self publishing company who produced a book of a quality I was not happy to put my name to!
I'm happy to say that my new version is exactly what I had pictured it to be, It's bright and colourful and the photo quality is superb. I was able to produce it on my own, once I found my self belief!
This book is about empowerment and I pray that the pearls empower all who read them to find their self love, self belief and own their power but do so with love!
Love is the answer...always, in every situation!
A beautiful coffee table book that is a pleasure to view, with beautiful glossy flower macros and pearls of wisdom which are food for thought!
Priced at $39:95 + Postage 
Email me at:

It makes a great gift for that special someone when you don't know what to buy them!
With Love, Light & Gratitude!